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Mathilde Domarle
Light Designer

Trained as a lighting director at the Lycée Guist'hau in Nantes, then as a designer at the ENSATT of Lyon, she began her career as an assistant to the lighting designers Julie-Lola Lanteri (Les Beaux Ardents and Midi nous le dira by Joséphine Chaffin and Clément Carabédian), Philippe Berthomé (Les Liaisons dangereuses by Christine Letailleur,

Le Monstre du Labyrinthe by Marie-Eve Signeyroles, Le Camion by Marine de Missolz) and Kelig Le Bars

(La Tendresse directed by Julie Berès)

Today she works for several emerging theater companies (Compagnie Superlune, Fugue 31, Cie Farouche).

Since 2018, she has been working with the Superlune company as a lighting design assistant, then as a lighting designer for the show Midi nous le dira, and recently designed the lights for Tandem, the company's latest creation. She also creates the lights for dance shows, Killing Time, by the Duck-Billed Company, and circus shows with Bambou Monnet and

Gwenn Buczkowski for L'Hiver Rude. In 2021, she met Agathe Charnet and the company Avant l'Aube and designed the lights for the show Ceci est mon corps.

Following a carte blanche at the Phoque festival in Nantes in 2018, she created the company Désesquisses and directed BEAT/Mexico City Blues, a small form of theater-music around the poets and poetesses of the Beat Generation.

In parallel to her work in the performing arts, she practices painting and has exhibited her paintings in Roubaix, Nantes, Lyon and in Italy.

With an unequalled precision, Mathilde's creative work brings another dimension to

to the Duck-Billed pieces, immersing the spectators in inaccessible and surreal worlds.

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